Motif Reception area

Building Style: Classicism

Furniture: Partly furnished

Atmosphere: Attractive, Sophisticated

Window: Arched window

Surroundings: City center

Facade: Plaster, Stucco

Furnishing Style: Classic

Informationen zur location

Maxie is one of the most extraordinary historical buildings in Berlin. As a prime example of early classicism, it offers many special motifs, perspectives and escapes. Round rooms and circular corridors and the hall in the style of an antique theater make this location unique.

Further information

District: Center

City: Berlin

Max. number of people in the location: 100

Bookable for: Event, Movie, Photo

Architechtural style: Classicism

Surroundings: City center

Facade: Plaster, Stucco

Size in m2: 132

  • 16 A
  • Passenger elevator
  • Restroom


Target Price

Prices quoted are non-binding guide prices. The final price depends on the type and scope of your project.

Ask the location for an individual offer.