Motif Hotel room

Building Style: 90s

Doors: Wood

Ground: Carpet

Atmosphere: Well maintained

Wall: Paint coat

Surroundings: City center

Facade: Facade panels

Informationen zur location

Court is a hotel in the center of Berlin with premises that show contemporary as well as historical features. There is a presidential suite, meeting rooms, swimming pool and notably roof terraces with a spectacular view. We have a few examplary accomodations listed in the portfolio.

Further information

District: Center

City: Berlin

Bookable for: Event, Movie, Photo

Architechtural style: 90s

Surroundings: City center

Facade: Facade panels

  • 16 A32 A
  • Freight elevatorPassenger elevator
  • Restroom


Target Price

Prices quoted are non-binding guide prices. The final price depends on the type and scope of your project.

Ask the location for an individual offer.