Der 8,6 Meter hohe Saal wird auf drei Seiten von einer offenen und frei im Raum hängenden Galerie umschlossen, an den Längsseiten befinden sich hohe Fenster. Die mobile Tribüne kann bei Bedarf sowohl an der Stirn- als auch an der Rückseite positioniert sowie abgebaut werden. Nutzbar von bis zu 250 Personen.
Motif Hall

Building Style: Industrial architecture

Ground: Wood

Furniture: Unfurnished

Ceiling: Stucco

Atmosphere: Economical

Wall: Paint coat

Window: Arched window

Lighting: Light

Surroundings: City center

Facade: Brick

Furnishing Style: Classic

Size in m2: 480

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Informationen zur location

A theater in the heart of Berlin. Due to its over one hundred years of history and largely original interior, it is not only an exciting location for photo shoots. It is also an excellent location for film shoots. But larger events can also be realized here with ease.

Further information

District: Center

City: Berlin

Max. number of people in the location: 350

Bookable for: Event, Movie, Photo

Architechtural style: Industrial architecture

Surroundings: City center

Facade: Brick

Size in m2: 1000

  • 64 ASchuko
  • Freight elevator
  • Restroom


Target Price

Prices quoted are non-binding guide prices. The final price depends on the type and scope of your project.

Ask the location for an individual offer.