Motif Terrace

Building Style: 90s

Ground: Paving stone, Lawn

Furniture: Partly furnished

Atmosphere: Attractive, Well groomed

Surroundings: Peripheral district

Facade: Plaster

Informationen zur location

Small detached house on the outskirts of the city without a cellar. The garden is relatively spacious and nicely laid out. The motivators are very helpful.

Further information

District: Reinickendorf

City: Glienicke/Nordbahn

Bookable for: Movie, Photo

Architechtural style: 90s

Surroundings: Peripheral district

Facade: Plaster

  • Schuko
  • Toilet


Target Price

Prices quoted are non-binding guide prices. The final price depends on the type and scope of your project.

Ask the location for an individual offer.