Motif Swimming pool

Building Style: Home style, Country house

Ground: Stone

Atmosphere: Attractive

Surroundings: Nature, Water property

Facade: Framework, Plaster

Furnishing Style: Modern

Informationen zur location

Hotel complex with spa in the middle of a forest by the lake. Many different functions and rooms invite to productions. Regularly available overnight.

Further information

Administrative Area: Oder-Spree

State: Brandenburg

Bookable for: Event, Movie, Photo

Architechtural style: Home style, Country house

Surroundings: Nature, Water property

Facade: Framework, Plaster

  • 16 A32 A
  • Passenger elevator
  • Restroom


Target Price

Prices quoted are non-binding guide prices. The final price depends on the type and scope of your project.

Ask the location for an individual offer.